Home From The War

This was one of the highlights of 2020 for me.

Some backstory — a new national World War I monument will be unveiled in Washington D.C. in the spring of 2021. The monument has been in the works for quite some time, and back when THE HELLO GIRLS had its Off-Broadway run, we met some of the folks from the commission behind that effort. They loved our show, and wanted to involve us in their celebrations. Originally, the plan was to have our cast perform at the unveiling ceremony. Then, with the coming of COVID, the plan changed to having the Hello Girls appear as part of a streaming virtual ceremony. So, in November of 2020, we re-assembled our cast to film the song “Making History.”

— which is not what the video above is!

The video is a brand new song that I was inspired to write because I was so excited by the idea of being back in a theater (for one brief day) and working with this amazing cast. So—after we wrapped the shooting for "Making History,” the cast sang through the new song. The video is, I think, the third time they’d run through it… Yeah, they’re that good!

And as for the song… it’s about perseverance — a major theme of the show, but also a major theme of all our lives lately. So, it’s kind of a HELLO GIRLS bonus track that you can take in the context of World War I, or 2020.


New year, new website!


Artists In Residence